I’ve been taking a lot of walks lately. Often there’s a destination—my office, a store—but sometimes, I simply wander. I set off and see where my aimless roaming leads me. A few weekends ago, that meant I stumbled upon a cool exhibit at the local art museum I certainly would’ve missed if not for following a whim. (And how fun to stumble upon an exhibit in celebration of books and reading!)
I love these undirected walks for exactly this reason: they’re often the means to unexpected delights (like an eagle soaring overhead or finding a discarded love note). These tiny blessings remind me how letting go of my expectations makes room for magic. That’s equally true on the page and in life. How often do things go the way we expect, anyway? I’m learning I can’t force things to happen the way I want them to, just like I can’t write something brilliant in one go. But I can show up and give space for possibilities. And when I do, I’m often struck with wonder.
I’m setting an intention to make room for magic this month. To not fill every day with tasks I need to complete and to stop clinging to strict targets. I’m going to leave openness and space for those wild opportunities I didn’t know existed, therefore could never dream up.
I invite you to do the same. I want you to experience the joy of stumbling upon the perfect word, a serendipitous moment, or discovering something like the art exhibit that sparks a burst of inspiration. I hope you can make a little space for magic this month. You deserve the unexpected riches you can’t imagine for yourself, but are out there waiting for you.
Reading Recommendations
I couldn’t pick just one online piece this month because I know so many brilliant writers and this month several published *incredible* work!
First, Daniel Garcia had two powerful poems published in The Commuter.
Jennifer Solheim’s lovely short story, “The Gain,” was published in Four Way Review.
Shayne Terry had a terrific short story published in The Adroit Journal called “Ladies, Look Alive.”
And, last but not least, I want to plug Andria Kennedy’s wonderful Substack on invisible illnesses.
Recently read: I loved Brown Girls by Dalphne Palasi Andreades. Hands down the best novel I’ve read that uses the first person plural POV.
Currently reading: I’m finally getting around to reading ZZ Packer’s Drinking Coffee Elsewhere because I’m trying to read more short stories and I heard Packer is a master. (She is.)
Up next: Lisa Bird-Wilson’s Probably Ruby
Wishing you a magical month! <3
Thank you for sharing "Ladies"! Wishing you many more serendipitous encounters this month...!