When it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, I’m all in. Love ‘em. But I’m picky about the flavor: I prefer the language I’ve heard in various places lately, “intentions.” I don’t like to set specific, measurable, businessy goals… instead I like to lean into the abstract nature of growth.
I really enjoy the advice of a favorite podcast of mine, The Lazy Genius, which emphasizes taking stock of the past year before setting intentions for the next. For this year, I made a little questionnaire that I shared with the Writer’s Group over at Mad Street Books. (Speaking of which, if you’re a Chicago-based writer, I’d love to connect with you here! Come join us!) Here it is:
What are you most proud of in your writing life this last year?
How did your reading habits support your writing this last year?
What people were the most helpful to your writing this last year?
Is there anything you miss about writing, that you feel wasn’t present in this last year?
Did you have any particularly enjoyable memories related to writing this year? What writing did you do that made you feel most like yourself?
What things did you need to write this last year that you felt you just didn’t have? Time? Location? Supplies? Inspiration? The right project? Support from other writers? Support from family or friends?
What do you want to change going into 2024?
What do you want to see more of going into 2024?
For me, the list of people who helped me was positively touching— folks who ask about my writing, watch my children, or invite me to write things. More than I really realized, and I should value that, and use it. I noticed that I’ve narrowed my reading this last year, reading primarily books that have something in common with the one I’m working on (female-driven, short, voicey). One of my intentions is to widen the books I read. I also realized the last year for me was consumed by rewriting, I hardly first-drafted a thing. One of my intentions? “Start something new.”
For Pub Cheerleaders, I know Rachel has the intention to start 5 Days of Beginnings. More details coming soon. But we’re excited about the month ahead. Our post next week will be an interview with Sara Lippman, who absolutely slaps.
I know there’s nothing magic about a new year, but actually? I don’t know that. Maybe there is. Maybe there’s something magic in sitting down and saying, I do know where I’d like to go. What I’d like to try next. And what’s been working for me. And then getting on that path and being OK with wherever it takes you. Simply because one number on the dial has turned from a 3 to a 4; it makes as much sense as anything else.
There’s so much beauty in a fresh start. And who knows? Maybe 2024 will actually be better, and we’ll find ourselves getting better in it.
Spotify keeps recommending the Andrew Bird version of this song and dammit Spotify, you got me. It’s the one I like best:
Wishing you a happy new year with good things to come in 2024! <3
Perfect, as always.